Krystyna Skarbek, also known by the alias Christine Granville, was a Polish woman-turned-British spy who had a remarkable espionage career. Not only do some say that Winston Churchill dubbed her his favorite spy, but it’s also believed that Ian Fleming based Casino Royale's Bond Girl, millionaire spy, Vesper Lynd, on Skarbek.
Born in Poland in 1915, Krystyna was the daughter of a count and Jewish banking heiress and grew up in the country attending a convent school. Crowned as Miss Poland when she was 17, Krystyna was more than a beauty queen. She also happened to be handy with survival skills and defense techniques, like how to use a knife and gun.
After Germany invaded Poland, Krystyna moved with her husband to England in 1939 where they volunteered to spy for the British. As she worked through her espionage training, the British rechristened her Christine Granville, the name she legally adopted after the war.
To say that Christine was a badass is an understatement. Her first assignment sent her to Budapest where she snuck documents into Poland by skiing across the Tatra Mountains while also helping persecuted Poles escape from Nazis. She parachuted into France several times, either gathering German military intelligence or delivering precious information too sensitive to be transmitted. Each time she would escape back to England just to be assigned another mission and return to enemy territory.
Her ballsiness is now legendary. She cleverly avoided capture several times by claiming to be related to high ranking officials or pretending to have tuberculosis by biting her tongue so badly it bled. At one point she even asked a German officer to carry a bag of secret documents past a Nazi check point, claiming it was a bag of black market tea for her mother.
But perhaps her most well known feat was when, despite the fact that her face covered wanted posters across the country, she walked into a German controlled prison to rescue two colleagues who were about to be executed. She told the head guard she was a British spy, and also a famous British General’s niece, convincing him that the Allies were about to take over the city and if he released the spies, he would be paid and granted clemency. Fortunately, he agreed and let her pass.
No longer needed after the war, the British military let her go, giving her a measly£100 to restart her life. Instead of parachuting into enemy territory, she worked various jobs in the service industry, including a position as a ship stewardess. There, one of her fellow coworkers became obsessed with her, and when she refused to date him, he stabbed her to death in 1952. Despite essentially abandoning her after the war, the military buried her with various medals including the French Croix de Guerre, British George Medal for Special Services, Order of the British Empire, badge of the French Resistance and another honor from Poland.
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